Change Part 2: The Change You Have Been Waiting For
May 19, 2020 Jim Geselle
Every time I step into my truck I wonder what it was actually like before the modern methods of transportation became available.
The changes in transportation started with railroads and then progressed to vehicles that ran on their own power over roadways. Next came airplanes that that did not require tracks or roads and flew above all the earth’s limiting terrain. Who knows, we may soon have personal vehicles that function like automobiles but are not limited by available roadways. Honestly, these are changes that I like and would not want to live without. While not everyone saw the benefit of changes in transportation at the time, almost everybody now sees the advantage of the changes and enjoys the results on a regular basis.
There have been some major changes in how we communicate as well. Not long after railroads came into use, the telegraph system was put into place. It wasn’t very long before the telephone, using land lines, replaced the telegraph. Many people remember when the cell phone became more practical than the limited landline connected telephones. New features are being added to our portable communication devices all the time, like amazing photography and information exchanging and they are being improved almost every day. It’s hard to remember how we lived before this big change in communication started taking place.
Change is continuously happening and while many times it results in resistance, the reality is that change is mostly beneficial. Looking ahead to the technological changes that might be on the horizon, and especially in light of the vulnerability and cost to maintain an aging nationwide electrical grid, it is reasonable to expect that the next big change could be the advance to Personal Power Production. A system where we don’t need to depend on others for power, and we can generate our own reliable, clean, efficient energy. What would be even better would be if we could put the waste we no longer need or want to work powering our lives instead of taking it to a landfill. Advances in materials and automation systems have finally made that possibility an actual reality. Watogy is a giant step forward for the globe. It brings power to those who need it almost anywhere on land or sea, and because it eliminates waste, it solves a problem most of us would rather sweep under the rug and forget.
This is why we have worked so long and hard to create Watogy. To help people be more independent, more secure, and to do it in a way that is beneficial for everyone living on our planet. We are making Watogy and other technologies a reality and will continue to develop technology that changes the world for the better.