It Can Be Done
-Olen Geselle
Olen Creative Group
OCG is a company built on problem solving, creating, engineering and leadership. Every day, we come together to work creating innovative solutions to specific problems that improve quality of life for people around the globe.
Innovations in Waste to Energy (WtE) are leading to advancements in atmospheric water harvesting, indoor food growth, thermoelectric generation, thermal energy storage, heat absorption chilling and much more. These innovations will change the way waste is disposed of and energy is reclaimed.
Olen Creative Group- Projects
Watogy- Onsite Waste to Energy
The foundational, revolutionary Waste to Energy (WtE) technology that provides a platform for other products to be developed. Watogy turns waste into fuel wherever waste is created. The power generated from that fuel can be used for many things like heat absorption chilling, hot air and water, electricity, steam, atmospheric water harvesting and more.
Distributed Renewable Power
Local microgrids, powered by local renewable energy sources, with power storage is where renewable energy is headed. OCG is an enthusiastic partner in developing technology to make microgrids a safe, economical, and environmentally friendly part of our national grid.
Waste & Recycling Remediation
Landfilling and recycling are currently in a crisis. OCG believes that nothing should be wasted, let alone be turned into pollution. The waste industry is in need of help. OCG is committed to bringing solutions to the waste & recycling industries.
Atmospheric Water Harvesting
Clean water is one of our planet’s most precious resources. OCG is making strides in providing potable water where there was none before.
Olen Values.
Our roots go back to Olen Geselle, and a german immigrant family who cared about their community and the world around them. A family who believed in the power of faith, creativity, hard work and perseverance. We brought those values to the energy crisis of 1979 and developed innovative products for people to keep warm with renewables and reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. Using the lessons learned, we started developing a technology that will revolutionize the way waste is processed and energy is created.