Change Part 1: The Right Reason, The Right Way

April 28, 2020 Jim Geselle

Change happens whether or not we see it, we want it, or whether we accept it. Change is not always easy but it is often beneficial. Most changes just happens and we forget them, however, some changes come and we cannot forget them.

Some of us remember the oil crisis in the 1970’s, many of us remember Y2K, more of us remember 911 and almost everyone remembers the great recession. All of these changes affect us even today.

We are in the middle of a new Great Change. This change will effect all of us for an extended period of time. It is time for all of us to adjust to our new reality. Change will happen and now is a good time to make it our friend and not our enemy. It is a great time to practice not taking offense and practice putting ourselves in the shoes of other people. It is time for us to commit to becoming a leader and not following the pathway of “how it has always been done”. Much more could be accomplished if we were flexible enough to practice changing our minds. 

There has never been a better time to begin doing the right thing, the right way. It wouldn’t hurt anything for us to examine where we could give more and be selfish less. It is not time for change, only for changes sake, but to set goals to do better and to follow those goals with the attitude of “It Can Be Done!”

Try to look at things this way, in times of crisis the one with an answer becomes a leader. Our position is that there is no better time than today to see many leaders rise up. 

Watogy is about change and leadership. The Watogy system encompasses a number of things that could not have been done two decades ago when we started on this project. We saw the need for change and decided we would be willing to lead. We faced what seemed impossible and found ways to overcome obstacles. We addressed shortcomings in energy, waste, and water and are bringing about change that will make these and other issues better. We have committed to lead further and bring positive change while inspiring others to do the same. Let’s all do this together, let’s make change, let’s make things better than they were yesterday.


Change Part 2: The Change You Have Been Waiting For


A Crisis With No Excuse