A Crisis With No Excuse
Most crises should never have become a crisis. When we see a crisis happening we must realize that the roots of a crisis probably run deep. For the most part, the issues are obvious, but because of resistance to change, neglect, a lack of courageous leadership, and many other reasons, what ended in a crisis could have easily been avoided!
We are currently facing a waste problem that could quickly turn into a crisis, but thankfully we still have time to avert it. There is no magic bullet to solve the problem. There are no solutions that are perfect or permanent. But there are steps that can be taken and they can make life for the global population safer and cleaner. Our family heritage gives us a mindset that says it can be done, and the discipline and determination that is never willing to quit. Our engineering training and experience over a long period of time, plus creative skills to develop systems and patents, along with five generations of owning businesses gives us the inspiration and determination to help lead in solutions that can help get us all on the road to finding a solution before the problem becomes a crisis. We were a participant in bringing in answers to one of the greatest crises of our time, the oil crisis in the 1970’s. During that time our company helped develop solutions to ease the pain until oil was no longer in a crisis state.
More than 20 years ago we saw the roots of an impending waste crisis and often heard the words, “When is someone going to do something about it?” It is a bit embarrassing to admit we were guilty of saying the same thing before waking up and realizing that we had the tools from our experience to lead in putting solutions in place. But now there is good news, time and technology have made possible what could not be done even a short time ago. And more good news is that this newly developed system operates, doing a complicated task, in a very simple way. We can now address waste, cooling, heating, clean water, electric power and a group of other needs, with each complimenting the others, in a safe, clean, cost effective way, while reducing pollution and other non-desirable side effects of our modern living.
We are now ready to invite others to join us on this exciting adventure. Stay tuned, there is a lot more to this amazing story!
Jim Geselle
March 22
Nashville, TN